35+ Best Serif Fonts in Canva for Share-worthy Designs

Disclaimer: Hey there, friend! This article includes affiliate links for Canva (a design tool I use, love & swear by) and I would love if you decided to use them. Affiliate links help creators like me to fund the free content that we provide on our blogs. Thank you for your endless support!


Feeling totally overwhelmed when it comes to choosing the right font pairings for your social media graphics, website or sales page?

You’re not alone! Selecting your brand fonts can be a very daunting process.

And before you know it, you’re spending hours in search of the dream font pairings that perfectly embody your brand’s unique message & style.

Yep, I’ve been there! But that’s unfortunately a lot of wasted time that could be used on things that will move the needle in your online business (like, you know— making money).

That’s why I wanted to create this quick & handy list of all my favorite serif fonts available in Canva that should be a great starting point for your designs.

Let’s get to it!

Try Canva Pro free for 30 Days

It’s important to note that even though I’ve provided a list of Canva free fonts, the free options are more limited compared to the Canva Pro plan. This is why I always recommend investing in the Canva Pro plan if you plan on batch creating marketing graphics for your blog, social media account or sales pages.

Canva Pro is incredibly affordable and you get unlimited access to premium stock photos, graphics, the ability to upload custom fonts to your brand kit and other design features. The subscription cost is truly such a small price to pay for all that you get in return!

And if you click that little image below, you can take Canva Pro for a spin, completely free for 30 days!

Related: Canva Pro Review: Is it worth it to upgrade?

Best Serif Fonts in Canva

Please note that this is not a complete list of all the serif fonts available in Canva.

You are of course more than welcome to select brand fonts at your own discretion— these are just my own personal recommendations based on what designs, layouts and graphics I’ve seen perform best for my audience.

When it comes to selecting a Serif font, you ideally only want to have one primary font that will mostly be used for headers. Sans-serif fonts work best for body text, as they aren’t nearly as ‘busy’ and distracting.

Again, the choice is completely yours but I do recommend opting for just 1 Serif font and using it in a variety of ways (i.e. testing out all caps, italicizing the text, using a bold variation).

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to the list!

Serif Fonts Available in the Free Version of Canva

  • Abhaya Libre

  • Arapey

  • Bentham

  • Bodoni FLF

  • Brixton

  • Buenard

  • Cardo

  • Cormorant Garamond

    • There’s 6 variations of the ‘Cormorant’ font in total: SC Light, SC Medium, SC Bold, Garamond Light, Garamond Medium, Garamond Bold (all available in the free version of Canva)

  • DM Serif Display

  • Gilda Display

  • Hatton

  • Libre Baskerville

  • Lora

  • Mak

  • Marcellus

  • Merriweather

  • Noto Serif Display

  • Oranienbaum

  • Playfair Display

  • Playfair Display SC

  • Prata

  • Quattrocento

  • Roxboroughcf

  • Rufina

  • Sahitya

  • Suranna

  • Unna

  • Vidaloka

  • Voga

Canva Pro Serif Fonts

  • Abiah Light

  • Abril

  • Afrah

  • Calgary

  • Chloe

  • Glamour

  • Lovelyn

  • Sharis Light

  • Singel Light

  • Woodland Bold

If you enjoyed this, share the love!

I hope you found this quick guide to Canva serif fonts helpful. If you did, feel free to save it for later by pinning any image in this article to one of your boards on Pinterest!

What’s your favorite Canva serif font? Let me know in the comments below!